We put our trust in people and support their growth

Our coaching philosophy:

  • We strongly believe each individual goes through phases of great success and utter defeat and both is required to understand and value the other
  • We also acknowledge that one feels much better than the other and every leader might need support from time to time to get from good to great and rediscover his/her resources
  • This is where we come in. We support leaders in their personal growth which in turn makes them better at what they do and creates a positive impact for the firms and their teams

Our approach to coaching differs:

  • We do not subscribe to one single methodology being superior and adequate for each client and situation
  • Neither do we believe in the separation of work and life and will always holistically approach any challenge
  • We strongly believe good coaches also bring the right mindset, their full self, a dedication to the coachee and experience to the table
  • In short, we bring everything we can to help the coachee thrive

Basic conditions for working with us:

  • We work with individuals to make a difference and expect our clients to be willing and open to change or have tough conversations
  • We speak the truths even if this may be challenging at times for everyone involved
  • We do not engage in "rubberstamping" exercises and we do not take sides
  • We do not compromise on quality and expect certain certificates (e.g., ICF, EMCC) from our coaches but do not believe competence stems from those certificates alone

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